
Sunday, August 5, 2012

How many links per Page ?

1) Google used to index only about 100 kilobytes of a page. When site have more than 100 link per page than bot might not index that page dut to lot of url existing in it.

2) Google will index more than 100K of a page, but there’s still a good reason to recommend
   keeping to under a hundred links or so: the user experience. If you’re showing well over 100 links
   per page, you could be overwhelming your users and giving them a bad experience. Be aware of  that.

3) But in some cases, it might make sense to have more than a hundred links. Does Google automatically consider a page spam if your page has over 100 links? No, not at all. The “100 links” recommendation is in the “Design and content” guidelines section. But if we make hidden text or doorways pages in that page or in those url ,then Google might ignore your page and might consider you spammer.

4) So how might Google treat pages with well over a hundred links? If you end up with hundreds of
   links on a page, Google might choose not to follow or to index all those links. At any rate,
   you’re dividing the Page Rank of that page between hundreds of links, so each link is only going
   to pass along a tiny amount of Page Rank. Users often dislike link-heavy pages, so before you go
   putting a ton of links on a page, ask yourself what the purpose of the page is and whether it
   works well for the user experience.

My Profile: Praveen Sharma 


1) With so much talk about getting into search engines, and achieving high rankings on a particular
   search engine, it may seem crazy to do anything which would prevent this from happening. However, there are times when you have a web site or page(s) within a web site which you don't want to end up in a search engine.

2) It might be a page of family photos, where the URL is given out only to family and friends. It
   might be a resource page for a professor to give his/her students additional information. Or, it
   might be a temporary page to provide information, such as a list of links, but one which you don't
   want to include as part of your site, for fear of adversely impacting your page rank.

3) You may say you don't have to worry about this because you haven't submitted your site to any
   search engines. However, if someone else has put a link on their site to your site, the spiders
   that crawl their site will eventually end up crawling your site.

4) There is code you can put into your HTML which will prevent the bots from spidering your page(s). This code is put in the header of your web page(s) (meaning between the <head> and </head> tags), in the form of a meta tag (and you thought meta tags were for keywords only).

5)Here are four examples of how this code will look;

   <meta name="robots" content="index,follow">

   <meta name="robots" content="noindex,follow">

   <meta name="robots" content="index,nofollow">

   <meta name="robots" content="noindex,nofollow">

6) There are two parameters; "index" and "follow". "Index" refers to whether or not you want that
   particular page to be indexed. "Follow" refers to whether or not you want the spider to follow the
   links on that page. You would decide whether you wanted the page indexed, and whether you wanted the links followed. Based on that decision, you would chose one of the above options. The final code would look something like this:


<title>New Page</title>

<meta name="robots" content="noindex,nofollow">


Meta Tags

1) META tags were originally used in the <HEAD> tag of an HTML document to help search engines find your site. Within a META tag, you can define two variables: description and keywords. The description is used to describe the content of your website while keywords are a list of terms, separated by commas that highlight important information in your page.

2) Like If we want to create website of about What is meta tags then my format is like this :

         <META name="description" content="This page is about how to use META tags">

         <META name="keywords" content="meta tags, search engines, help, tutorial, increasing traffic">

3) Meta keywords or keywords means the same thing.

4) Meta description or description means the same thing.

5) META tags are not displayed to individuals surfing the web and are used by very few search engines as a sole means of ranking web pages. In the past, using META keywords would help search engines find your site easier and list it on their results page according to its visibility. However, META  keyword abuse became popular when website owners realized they could use META keywords completely unrelated to their web page's subject matter to bring traffic to their site. After realizing that website owners were using keywords such as "football" for pages on gardening homes, just about every  major search engine such as Google, Yahoo, Bing, and AOL dropped support for META keywords and  instead use bots to determine the relevance of a site to a users search.

6) As the effectiveness and use of the META keyword tag has declined, the <TITLE> and META description tag have become more important. While major search engines don't use META description and <TITLE> as the sole means of indexing websites, search engines such as Google have admitted to using them as a means of identifying the content of a page. The META description tag  (<META name="description" content="insert your description of the page here>) and <TITLE> tag are  also unseen by the public and can be used to help search engine crawlers (bots that catalogue your  website's information) to find you, consequently increasing the visibility of your website.

Affilate Programs

1) An automated marketing program where a Web advertiser or merchant recruits webmasters to     place the merchant's banner ads or buttons on their own Web site. Webmasters will receive a referral fee or commission from sales when the customer has clicked the affiliate link to get to the merchant's Web site Web site to perform the desired action, usually make a purchase or fill out a contact form.

2) The most common types of affiliate programs include pay-per-click, pay-per-lead, and pay-per-sale.

Link Juices & Page Ranks

               They are the percentage share to other particular site which are mentioned in ur site.

EXAMPLE- if i have 5 outbound in my site then each site will get 20% link juice from my site          which helps them in increasing their PAGE RANK.


1) Invented by Larry page.

2) Formula -
              PR(A)=(1-d) + d( PR(t1)/c(t1) + ......+ PR(tn)/c(tn) )

                  d= 0.85
                  PR(A)= Page rank of page A
                  t1-tn= These are pages inside page A and links to it.
                  c(t1)= no. of outbound links to page t1.

Anchor Text

1) When a link incorporates a KEYWORD into the text of the hyperlink, we call this anchor text.

2)A link's anchor text may be one of the most powerful resources a webmaster has. Backlinks from multiple websites with the anchor text would help your website rank higher for the keyword .


<a href="">SEO Melbourne</a>

There SEO Melbourne is a keyword which incorporates in hyperlink and make it anchor text.

Tool Regarding this-'Backlink Anchor Text Analysis Tool'

Do-Follow vs No-Follow !


1) It has special HTML markup inside that tells Search engine like google to follow the destination inside the link.


-Normal link-HTML markup

<a href="">google website </a>

-Dofollow link-HTML markup

<a href="" rel="dofollow"> google website </a>

NOTE- basically it can't do anything jf we leave it without applying(rel="dofollow"), LINK BEHAVES SAME.

2) applying it will increase the page rank.

3)Good for Human traffic as well as SEO traffic.



1)It has special HTML markup inside that tells Search engine like google not to follow the destination inside the link i.e. Bot(spider) will not follow the link. means it will not crawl that link.


<a href="" rel="nofollow"> google website </a>

2)Good for Human traffic.

3)Not contain SEO properties.

Types of links

1) Basically there are two types of links:-

          -Inbound/BACKLINK links(To Yours)
          -Outbound links(From Yours)

2) What is Inbound links / BACKLINKS ?
          -They are those links which come from external to ours.

3) What is outbound links ?
          -They are those links which starts from our site and leads to an external site.

Example explaining Above concept-
          - if links to,
          - the link from is a backlink(inbound) for

          - the link is an outbound link from's perspective

Keywords-Most Important in SEO

1) They are those which matches with search strings.

2) So a precise and right keyword should be there for ur web page which matches with user search string.

3) Several ways to determine which keywords to determine for-
                -online population searching for.
                -Keywords of ur competitors.
                -Keywords that u feel describe ur site best.

Choosing Right Keyword To optimize for:--

  1) one keyword will not determine the page rank priority as there are several pages in web.

  2) So describing two or three or more keywords will gives the best suitability to result.
      and gives better rank priority.

  3) We should analyze user search term and them will decide our keyword and also related                     to the web content.

  4) Website Keyword Suggestions Tool helps in providing initial keywords list.

  5) We should search monthly searches and relevancy of keywords while optimizing it.

     -Website Keyword Suggestions Tool
     -Google keyword Suggestion tool

Saturday, August 4, 2012

What is SEO ?

1) It is search engine optimization.

2) It is a marketing technique to display the web pages in high rank priority i.e. the web page having better SEO will comes to top of page than other ones.

3) It helps search engine to find and rank our site to top priority than millions of other sites.

4) HOW Search Engine WORKS?
    - They are text driven.
    - They crawl web page and get an idea of the page content.
    - Activity done to deliver search results are:-
                         a) Crawling---In this spider (piece of software) or crawler follows link from one page to another and index them as they comes.
                         b) Indexing---When a page is indexed it is stored in giant database where it can later be retrieved.Basically, indexing tries out to find the word that best describes the page.
                         c) Processing-Whenever search request comes the search engine processes it , the search string is compared with  indexed pages .now more than one page contains search string so relevancy calculation is done of  each pages in its index with search string.
                         d) Relevancy--Algo-mechanism followed by search engines to display the web pages according to priority.some factors are keyword density, links, or metatags.
                         e) Retrieving-Basically shows the result on screen.